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[재활의학과] 김낙환 과장 / 재활치료센터장

김낙환 과장 / 재활치료센터장
신경근골격계 및 스포츠손상 재활치료, 통증중재시술요법 및 재생치료 , 신경근전도검사 , 심장/호흡/중환자 재활
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외래 월,화,수,목,금 월,목 2,4주 오전
※학회 등의 이유로 실제 진료스케줄과 차이가 있을 수 있습니다. 당일 진료접수를 원하시는 경우, 의료진 휴진일정을 꼭 확인하시기 바랍니다. [▶의료진 휴진안내(클릭)]
2001 ~ 2007 고려대학교의과대학 졸업
2009 ~ 2011 고려대학교 대학원 석사 졸업
2016 ~ 2020 고려대학교 의과학대학원 박사 졸업
전, 대한재활의학회 정회원/총무
전, 대한통증연구학회 정회원/총부
전, 식품의약품안전처 의료기기 자문위원
현, 한국통증중재시술연구회(KORSIS) 정회원/간행위원장
현, 대한신경근골격초음파학회 정회원/홍보위원장
현, 대한임상통증학회 정회원/홍보위원장
2007.3 ~ 2008.2 고려대병원 수련의
2008.3 ~ 2012.2 고려대병원 재활의학과 전공의
2012.3 ~ 2015.4 전라북도군산의료원 재활센터장 (공중보건의)
2015.5 ~ 2019.5 고려대병원 재활의학과 전임의
2016.3 ~ 2016.12 한국과학기술원(KIST) 방문연구원
2019.6 ~ 2022.5 고려대병원 재활의학과 임상조교수
2022.9 ~ 2024.8 고려대병원 재활의학과 임상부교수
2024.10 ~ 현, 인천세종병원 재활의학과 진료과장
2007 고려대학교 의료원 우수 인턴 표창
2009 임상통증학회 우수구연상
2011 고려대학교 의과대학 교우회 우수 논문상
2019 성장동력추진 및 다부처협력활성화 관련 업무유공자 표창 (과학기술정보통신부)
2023 고려대학교 의과대학 교우회 우수 논문상
Kim, Nack-Hwan, Sung-Bom Pyun, and Hwee-Kyu Kwon. "Ultrasonographic finding of painful hemiplegic shoulder associated with motor recovery after stroke." Brain & Neurorehabilitation 4.1 (2011): 44-49.

Lee, Sang Heon, et al. "Efficacy of a new navigable percutaneous disc decompression device (L'DISQ) in patients with herniated nucleus pulposus related to radicular pain." Pain Medicine 12.3 (2011): 370-376.

Kim, Nack Hwan, and Dong Hwee Kim. "Ulnar neuropathy at the wrist in a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome after open carpal tunnel release." Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 36.2 (2012): 291.

Kim, Nack Hwan, Sang Heon Lee, and Seok Jun Lee. "Percutaneous transforaminal epidural injection method in an experimental rat: minimally invasive drug delivery method to spinal epidural space." Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 36.5 (2012): 640-647.

Lee, Sang Heon, et al. "Effectiveness of a new navigable percutaneous disc decompression device (L'DISQ) in patients with lumbar discogenic pain." Pain Medicine 16.2 (2015): 266-273.

Lee, Sang-Heon, et al. "Characteristics of molybdenum as a plasma-generating electrode." Science of Advanced Materials 8.9 (2016): 1844-1847.

Meng, Won-Jun, et al. "Modification of therapeutic temperature range in cryotherapy could improve clinical efficacy in tension type headache." Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 31.3 (2018): 577-581.

Kim, Nack Hwan, and Sang-Heon Lee. "Foot drop caused by a movable cystic mass during knee motion." Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 31.4 (2018): 667-670.

Kim, Nack Hwan, Youngki Hong, and Sang-Heon Lee. "Two-year clinical outcomes of radiofrequency focal ablation using a navigable plasma disc decompression device in patients with lumbar disc herniation: efficacy and complications." Journal of Pain Research (2018): 2229-2237.

Choi, Jongwoo, et al. "Effect of injectate viscosity on epidural distribution in lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injection." Pain Research and Management 2019.1 (2019): 2651504.

Kim, Nackhwan, and Seok Bong Jung. "Percutaneous unilateral biportal endoscopic spine surgery using a 30-degree arthroscope in patients with severe lumbar spinal stenosis: a technical note." Clinical spine surgery 32.8 (2019): 324-329.

Kim, Nack-Hwan, and Seok-Bong Jung. "Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Spinal Cervical Surgery." Journal of Advanced Spine Surgery 9.2 (2019): 23-30.

Kim, Dahn, Nack-Hwan Kim, and Sang-Heon Lee. "Provocative Discography Following Focal Selective Coagulation in a Patient with Chronic Lumbar Discogenic Pain." Clinical Pain 18.2 (2019): 142-146.

Kim, Nackhwan, and Seok Bong Jung. "Biportal endoscopic spine surgery in the treatment of multi-level spontaneous lumbar epidural hematoma: case report." Journal of Orthopaedic Science 27.1 (2022): 288-291.

Kim, Nackhwan, et al. "Effect of direct vibration on the activity of deep trunk muscles of patients with non-specific chronic low back pain." Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 35.5 (2022): 1109-1118.

Kim, Nackhwan. "Focal Selective Nucleoplasty Using Navigable and Plasma-Generating Catheter: A Narrative Review." International Journal of Pain 13.1 (2022): 1-10.

Jeon, Yuho, et al. "Effect of Ramp on Joint Moment of Attendants during Manual Control of Wheelchairs." Clinical Pain (2022): 21-31.

Jung, Seok Bong, and Nackhwan Kim. "Biportal endoscopic spine surgery for cervical disk herniation: a technical notes and preliminary report." Medicine 101.27 (2022): e29751.

Park, Hongbum, and Nackhwan Kim. "Intradiscal procedures in chronic spinal pain: a narrative review." International Journal of Pain 13.2 (2022): 55-70.

Kim, Nackhwan, and Sang-Heon Lee. "Increase efficiency of intervertebral disc tissue removal through optimization of radiofrequency plasma generator." International Journal of Pain 13.2 (2022): 71-77.

Kim, Minhee, et al. "Estimation of Functional Reserve in Patients with Hospital-Associated Deconditioning." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19.21 (2022): 14140.

Jung, Seok Bong, and Nackhwan Kim. "Lumbosacral interbody fusion using a biportal endoscopic technique for patients with multilevel severe degenerative lumbosacral spondylosis: technical note and case presentations." Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery 84.05 (2023): 506-511.

Kim, Nackhwan, et al. "Assessment of a Discogenic Pain Animal Model Induced by Applying Continuous Shear Force to Intervertebral Discs." Pain Physician 26.3 (2023): E181.

Kim, Nackhwan. "Intraneural ganglion cyst of the peroneal nerve occurring after coronavirus disease-19 vaccination: A case report." Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 19.3 (2023): 2265657.

Kim, Nackhwan, and Sang-Heon Lee. "Prognostic Factors Affecting Therapeutic Efficacy of Intradiscal Steroid Injection in Patients with Chronic Discogenic Low Back Pain." International Journal of Pain 14.2 (2023): 68-78.

Jung, Seok-Bong, Ishant Gunadala, and Nackhwan Kim. "Comparison of Cervical Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery and Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion in Patients with Symptomatic Cervical Disc Herniation." Journal of Clinical Medicine 13.6 (2024): 1823.

Lee, Dae-Wook, Seok Kang, and Nackhwan Kim. "Recurrent Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Presenting as Conus Medullaris Syndrome: A Case Report." Medicina 60.1 (2024): 188.

Jung, Seok Bong, and Nackhwan Kim. "Biportal Endoscopic Resection of Intradural Meningioma in the Cervical Spine: A Case Report." International Journal of Spine Surgery (2024).

Lee, Jun Y., et al. "Mechanical influence of facet tropism in patients with chronic discogenic pain disorder." Bone & joint research 13.9 (2024): 452-461.



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